ALL AGES - Appropriate for readers of All Ages.

A - Appropriate for readers Ages 9 and Up.

T - Teens. Appropriate for readers 13 and up. Appropriate for most readers 13 and up, parents are advised they may want to read before or with younger children.

T+ - Teens and up. Appropriate for older teens.

Parental Advisory - 15+ years old. Similar to T+, but featuring more mature themes and/or more graphic imagery. Recommended for teen and adult readers.

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Kahhori: Reshaper of Worlds
Kahhori: Reshaper of Worlds
Rating: T+ 

THE BREAKOUT CHARACTER FROM THE DISNEY+ WHAT IF? SHOW MAKES HER COMICS DEBUT! The Mohawk warrior Kahhori fell into Sky World and into our hearts from her first appearance fighting invaders to her home. She has already helped save all of reality from a demented Doctor Strange and secured peace in her own world… So what NOW? Co-creator and award-winning storyteller Ryan Little launches Kahhori into the 616! Featuring exciting guest stars and the comics debuts of some extraordinary creators, Marvel Voices brings you an extra-special anthology celebrating Indigenous heritage and one of the most exciting characters to emerge from the MCU! Rated T+

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