ALL AGES - Appropriate for readers of All Ages.

A - Appropriate for readers Ages 9 and Up.

T - Teens. Appropriate for readers 13 and up. Appropriate for most readers 13 and up, parents are advised they may want to read before or with younger children.

T+ - Teens and up. Appropriate for older teens.

Parental Advisory - 15+ years old. Similar to T+, but featuring more mature themes and/or more graphic imagery. Recommended for teen and adult readers.

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Annihilation 2099
Annihilation 2099
Rating: T+ 

A remote town on a remote world is devastated by the ravenous, unforgiving Knull Set, a gang of raiders and thieves obsessed with offering all life up to the darkness. But that all changes when a stranger comes to town, a stranger from the stars who answers to his own code. The last survivor of Xandar… the last NOVA. Who is the Last Nova, and what great tragedy does he carry on his back? Is he the inheritor of the Nova Corps or its destroyer? Plus, in a special backup by Orlando and Dale Eaglesham, Dracula’s ship set course for the stars, seeking the brave new world his daughter Lilith forged for the vampires of Earth. But what tragedy does fate have in store for his journey and will he ever be reunited with his people?

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