ALL AGES - Appropriate for readers of All Ages.

A - Appropriate for readers Ages 9 and Up.

T - Teens. Appropriate for readers 13 and up. Appropriate for most readers 13 and up, parents are advised they may want to read before or with younger children.

T+ - Teens and up. Appropriate for older teens.

Parental Advisory - 15+ years old. Similar to T+, but featuring more mature themes and/or more graphic imagery. Recommended for teen and adult readers.

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Rating: T+ 

KRAKOA IS NO MORE…BUT THE X-MEN FIGHT ON! From their new base in Alaska, the X-Men raise a flag of defiance! Join CYCLOPS, BEAST, MAGNETO, PSYLOCKE, KID OMEGA, TEMPER (formerly OYA), MAGIK and JUGGERNAUT as they assemble against new forces, battling for the destiny and philosophy of the mutant species. Mutant business is their business.

Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: Ryan Stegman
Release Date: 04/02/2025
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X-Men Vol 7 #14 Cover A Regular Ryan Stegman Cover

X-Men Vol 7 #14 Cover A Regular Ryan Stegman Cover

The town of Merle enlists the X-Men to aid in a search and rescue operation for a missing child - one closer to the X-Men than the Sheriff knows.

But while the X-Men search for Piper Cobb, they are themselves being watched - as their shadowy 3K adversaries move to strike directly, their own agenda unfolding!


X-Men Vol 7 #15 Cover A Regular Ryan Stegman Cover

X-Men Vol 7 #15 Cover A Regular Ryan Stegman Cover

What began as a simple search and rescue has escalated, with not just the X-Men but the entire town of Merle at danger!

And as 3K steps out from the shadows for the first time in order to further their twisted program, will the Means, their anointed headsman, slake his bloodthirst on the X-Men?


X-Men Vol 7 #16 Cover A Regular Ryan Stegman Cover

X-Men Vol 7 #16 Cover A Regular Ryan Stegman Cover


There are mutants who call themselves X-Men in Alaska and Louisiana and Chicago. But as Cyclops' team find themselves in more than one set of crosshairs dealing with a mutant crisis in Alaska, a new group of enemies make themselves known: They are the X-Men, who are sponsored by 3K in their bid for possession of the future of mutantkind!